Our new WOODCUT inspired hand hooked wool pillows! There is a woodcut Elk and a woodcut horseshoe. Carol Lyne used to work at a wood printer in New York and thus was inspired to create a line based on the art of woodcutting. The art of woodcutting is an ancient technique, developed back in the 1400s where it was basically the only method used for old master prints. It is a relief printing technique in which an image is carved into the surface of a block of wood. These particular prints were designed and brought to production because of Michaelian Home's love of all things Farm and Ranch related! You can purchase these online at http://www.michaelianhome.com/Woodcut-Elk_p_1253.html and http://www.michaelianhome.com/Woodcut-Horseshoe_p_1252.html


Sarah Carlson

Date 9/11/2017

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