Black and White in Design

Black and White in Design


Color is very often considered the most important aspect of interior design; standing head and shoulders above design, scale, use, materials etc. 

But just like a black and white film, the absence of color can create a dream like quality.  This allows the voyeur to fill in colors from one's own mind.  I once took a few still life painting classes.  The most difficult class was an "extra credit" exercise in which the teacher put on a table a draping of white sheets and white vases and cups.  We were to paint what we saw using NO white.  It is amazing what comes of that - in fact, very vivid colors.


Note the many film noir greats through the decades - right up to the present period:  The Maltese Falcon (1944), Casablanca (1942) and China Town (Roman Polanski, 1974).


Thus for us, these black/white rugs and kitchen towels can achieve the "architectural" look that is very forward.

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2020 Pantone Color of the Year - CLASSIC BLUE

 2020 Color of the Year is Classic Blue

A shade reminiscent of the sky at dusk, and it matches our Bristol Blue rag rug perfectly!!

"It's a color that anticipates what's going to happen next," said Laurie Pressman, the vice president of the Pantone Color Institute, which selects the Color of the Year. "What's the future going to bring as we move into the evening hours?"


The following note is from CNN Style section:

This is indeed a pertinent question as we embark on a new decade. But as forward-looking as it may be, the 2020 color brings us almost full circle to the first Color of the Year, Cerulean, another blue hue chosen in 1999 to likewise capture a moment in time.

"We were moving into Y2K and wondering: Is the world going to fall apart?" said Pressman.

The Pantone Color Institute said it recognized similar feelings of instability gripping the world today, from the United States to the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Syria and across the globe. It settled on a shade that offers the reassurance, confidence and connection that people may be searching for in an uncertain global milieu.

Pantone has named a color of the year for more than two decades. In 1963, the company created the Pantone Matching System, a proprietary system used in a variety of industries such as printing, graphic design and fashion design to manage colors.

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Atlanta Market - Come See Us

We have missed being in Atlanta - COME SEE US!! 


Atlanta Market

Building 1, 9-E23

August 13th-18th, 2020


Market Catalog - click here






We'll be wearing ours!!

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Important news just for you!

For the first time in decades,
Michaelian Home/India Overseas Traders
will NOT be at the High Point Show.

Read below for frequently asked questions about this.

How can I place orders if we aren't going to be at High Point?
Never fear, you can still place orders with us. You can view and order from our entire catalog online at  It's easy! Or you can email, call, or fax orders in as usual. 800-258-3977, [email protected]

But what about show specials?
We will be offering exciting "NO SHOW" Show Specials during April.  Watch for details in upcoming emails.

When is the next show that will feature Michaelian Home/India Overseas Traders unique products?
The next show that we will be attending is the July show in Atlanta.
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Exciting news for 2018 from MICHAELIAN HOME

Exciting news for 2018 from MICHAELIAN HOME

Exciting news FOR 2018 from MICHAELIAN HOME

We are pleased to announce MICHAELIAN HOME has purchased India Overseas Traders, Inc.  For those of you unfamiliar with IOT, it is a well-established company that is over 80 years old.

Fun and sophisticated natural fibered rag and flat weave rugs, lively dish towels and some beautiful tabletop items will now be a part of MICHAELIAN HOME's product line. We offer the same great quality, pricing and service.  The only difference is we ship from North Carolina.

Contact us to get access to our India Overseas Trading Catalog [email protected]

Please be patient with us as we integrate IOTs website with MICHAELIAN HOMEs. Until then, please call, e-mail or fax IOT orders.

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Dec 2017

It has been an exciting year here at Michaelian Home and we look forward to even more excitement in the new year! Our customers have come to expect the highest quality products and unrivaled customer service. We are constantly adding new products and new lines so that you have more opportunities to find that perfect item that you know is going to stand the test of time in terms of quality, function and design. We strive to create products that will make your spaces unique and on trend.

An example of this is the fresh color theme of GOLD, RASPBERRY and SULFUR and the variety of Michaelian Home products that you can mix and match to achieve this sophisticated fun look for your own space. Camp Chevron Gold, a luxury cotton hooked rug, a 100% silk scarf, our detailed 'Em' Needlepoint Pillow and the rich texture of our Mix and Match Turkish Pillows show off this gorgeous palette. Shop for them today!
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Monthly Photo Winner and More about Custom Rugs at Michaelian Home

Monthly Photo Winner and More About Custom Rugs at Michaelian Home

This was the winner of October's Photo Submissions. What a photo! It is a photo taken by Dolores M. We have been asking that our customers snap and share their Michaelian Home products with us to be entered into a monthly contest. The winner receives $20 off their next order.

We had a lot of great entries and it was hard to pick a winner but this room just had that something extra special and it was voted unanimously as the winner. This rug featured in the photo was a custom Bloomer Mum Rug. It was a 10' x 14' rug. The client had a black border added to it. We think it looks just fabulous. 

Michaelian Home can take any design and customize it to your specifications. Call us to talk about it! 1-800-258-3977

Send us your photo submissions by email [email protected], tag us on instagram  #michaelianhome or send us a message on facebook and you too can be entered to win!
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Traditional to Contemporary Holiday Items!

Michaelian Home has lots of holiday styles to choose from. Classic needlepoint pillows and hooked wool tree skirts, to hooked wool Snow Dogs and Christmas Camper Rugs and Pillows, there is something for everyone! Browse our holiday collections today so you can decorate tomorrow!
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Christmas in July

  • michaelianhomeWestern North Carolina and the Advent of Christmas in July #christmasinjuly #westernnorthcarolina

    Did you know that the first reference to the phrase 'Christmas in July' happened right here in Western North Carolina? In July 1933, Camp Keystone, a girl's summer camp in Brevard, North Carolina, celebrated with a Christmas tree, gifts, and a visit by Santa Claus. It was described as having all the wonder and mystery of the traditional Christmas. A few years later the idea became a nationwide phenomenon with the release of a movie with the same title. American advertisers began using Christmas in July themes in print for summertime sales as early as 1950 and the idea has been going strong world-wide ever since. It is especially popular in the southern hemisphere where July is their winter season. Christmas in July events are held in order to have Christmas with a winter feel like in the northern hemisphere.
    In the United States, Christmas in July is often used as a marketing tool, however, at Michaelian Home, we want to use the camp-inspired holiday to celebrate not just the wonder of Christmas but also all of the world-renowned camps in our area. Western North Carolina is home to more summer camps than we can count, each one more famous than the last. And Michaelian Home, head-quarted in western NC has designed entire collections with these camps as inspiration. So whether you need holiday inspired rugs and pillows or cotton camp rugs, we've got you covered (literally floor covered). So yes, this year we will indeed be celebrating Christmas in July. Happy Holiday from our home to yours! #christmas #holidaydecor #winteriscoming #woolrugs #needlepointpillows #pillows #woolpillows
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March Promotion 2017

Our Michaelian Home collection of floral hand-stitched needlepoint & petit point pillows, and hooked pillows features bold & beautiful roses and tapestry-style flowers and more! Check them out - Pansies, Geraniums, Sunflowers, Poppies, Wisteria, Peonies, etc..  Flowers are coming up everyday at Michaelian Home.

All of Michaelian Home pillows have a 100% wool face, with a cotton velvet zippered back.  They all have100%cotton velvet backing and a zipper so that the poly fill insert can be taken out during cleaning. For a small up charge you can add a feather down insert. 

No Code Needed.  Online Orders Only.
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March Madness

Michaelian Home will be at the
Atlanta Spring Gift, Home and Holiday Market
THIS week
 in Building 1, 9E-23,  March 8-10 2017.

 Come see Carol Lyne and Sherry, our MVPs, and they will slam dunk your spring orders for you!
We hope to see you there, we will have lots of spring show specials, new products premiere and more!

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Frightful and Delightful

Frightful and delightful! Look what we found in the pumpkin patch! Cats, Bats, Pumpkins and Day of Dead pillows by Michaelian Home!

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Atlanta Fall Market

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Needlepoint vs Petit Point

Wondering what the difference is between Needlepoint and Petit Point?  We are here to answer your questions!
Our regular decorative needlepoint pillows have roughly 100 stitches per square inch. Our Petit Point pillows have around 200 stitches per square inch for even greater detail. Several of our pillows are a mix stitch of regular Needlepoint and Petit Point stitch. We carry needlepoint pillows in original designs featuring animals, fish & wildlife, holidays, dog breeds, nautical, patriotic themes and more.
They are a beautiful expression of hand artistry and timeless beauty, browse our collections today! Needlepoint Pillows
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New Products: Scarves and Throws


Just in! Large shipment of 100% Silk Scarves and Hand-Loomed Cotton Throws at Michaelian Home. New products for Michaelian Home to enhance our lines of fine handmade products.  Coming soon to our website!
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At Market

Photos from trade show in Dallas, showing new chain-stitch pillows, shawls, throws and more!
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Ely and Shasta

We are not horsin' around. Ely and Shasta, two new cotton printed pillows from @michaelianhome have stunning detail. These pillows are embellished with embroidery and have a cotton zippered back.
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Michaelian Home heads to Altanta with a stunning array of new products

Adding to their existing collections and expanding with new lines of accessories, Michaelian Home always has something extraordinary to add to your home.

Michaelian Home has a rich history in the textile business dating back to the 1920s when Frank Michaelian, grandfather of current owner Jason Sumner, was one of the first Americans to import from the Middle East and India. During this time, Frank Michaelian also set up a weaving center in China and he started a rug hooking mill in North Carolina. In doing so, he created a line of the finest hand knotted rugs, needlepoint pillows, and hooked rugs;  a legacy that continues today.

Michaelian Home, along with its existing line of hand hooked wool and cotton rugs, needlepoint pillows, hooked wool and cotton pillows, also now offers benches, stools, travel bags, and coverlets.  In 2016 Michaelian Home added a variety of new items including a line of handspun and hand-loomed shawls and throws, a line of creatively printed and embroidery-embellished pillows, and a line of chain stitched pillows. New designs include many seasonal and animal accents, mountain lifestyle themes, nautical offerings, golf designs and also a revival of many historical Michaelian Home designs. These new designs, featuring artistry of designers Betsy Whatley,  Robin Sanson, and WILLIAMSBURG prove that while Michaelian Home continues to offer traditional and classic designs while staying  abreast of the latest fashion trends. Michaelian Home  often creates the unique new products that drive those trends. Always striving  to keep a fresh perspective, they travel the world for inspiration and to source the highest quality materials.

Michaelian Home’s entire line can be seen in Building 1 at Americas Mart, Floor 9, E-23 from Tuesday July 12 through Tuesday July 19.  Michaelian Home is participating in several floor events during the market. Daily Show Specials,  a floor-wide Wine and Dine on Nine event featuring food and beverages will be held on Friday July 16 from 4-7pm. A Sunday Funday floor event showcasing a variety of show specials  along with donuts will be on Sunday the 17th from 10am-1pm.  For more information, call Carol Lyne Sumner at 800-258-3977 or visit  

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Get your Goat!

The Carl Sandburg Historic Site in Flat Rock, NC is a local treasure.  Its history is steeped with poetry and surprisingly, goat herding.  In its honor, Michaelian Home has designed several new printed, embellished, Sandburg-inspired, goat pillows, they will surely delight the ‘kid’ in everyone. You can see the new detailed pillows pictured above with actual Sandburg Goats. We also have some existing handmade needlepoint  goat inspired pillows that are sure to get your goat.  You can find those here:  

Carl Sandburg was known as the Poet of the People. He was a writer, poet and songwriter.   He won two Pulitzer Prizes for his poetry.  He also won another Pulitzer for his biography of Abraham Lincoln, a prolific body of work which is astounding in magnitude.  His poetry captured the struggles of the working class in the early 1900s and thus captured the hearts of the nation.  Active politically, he wrote on the issues of freedom and humanity.  He enjoyed "unrivaled appeal as a poet in his day” and is considered to be a major figure in contemporary literature.  "Trying to write briefly about Carl Sandburg," said a friend of the poet, "is like trying to picture the Grand Canyon in one black and white snapshot."

Though he was born and raised in Illinois, he moved to Flat Rock, North Carolina in 1945.  The name of the 246 acre estate was Connemara and here he and his wife raised their daughters while he continued to write.  It is said that he would stay up all night writing in his ‘crazy corner’, then he would eat breakfast with his family and then retire to bed about 10 o’clock in the morning.  He liked to hike and created many trails on the estate and would often disappear on a trail to write.    

Carl’s wife Lillian or ‘Paula’ as Carl liked to call her, started raising goats when he was still a struggling poet in the midwest.  She became interested in genetics and how to increase milk production.  By the time they moved to Flat Rock, she was already famous for her breeding and had established national prominence in the field.  The name Paula Sandburg became a household name in goat breeding,  She continued  to breed goats, mostly Nubians, Saanens and Toggenburgs in North Carolina.  She ran a commercial dairy on the farm and at one time had a herd of about 200 goats. Locals say that they used to see Carl driving around town doing errands with goats in his car! Supposedly this is not surprising to anyone that knew Carl. One reporter stated that when he visited Carl to interview him in his Michigan home, it was so cold outside that Carl led fifteen goats into his living room to get warm during the interview. 

Try being a goat: put on a face of calm contemplations.

Look people in the eye as though unaware they gaze at you.

Read their innermost hidden secrets.

Then turn away toward other horizons chewing your cud.

- Excerpt from From Daybreak to Good Night: Poems for Children by Carl Sandburg


Carl died in 1967 of natural causes and his wife died ten years later.  Today the Connemara estate is a National Historic Site and you can tour the home, hike the trails that Carl frequented, and visit with goats that still carry Mrs. Sandburg’s goat's bloodlines.  The current herd is kept to about 15 goats and they don’t milk them but every spring you can see new kids (goat kids!) toddling about the barn.  The site is indeed a national treasure where history comes to life for ‘kids’ of all ages.  Find out more or plan your visit here:


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New Signal Flags Collection

Some new Nautical items from Michaelian Home perfect for spring!!

NCU-829 NAUTICAL Love 18" x18" Hooked Pillow

NCU-830 Nautical Happy 16"x20" Hooked Pillow

NCU-831 Nautical Shore Thing 16"x20" Hooked Pillow

Our Signal Flags Collection uses traditional maritime code flags to spell "LOVE", "SHORE THING" OR "HAPPY". Classical nautical colors will never go out of style. Choose your favorite or goup them together for a coastal nod with a positive vibe. These are handmade hooked pillows with a zippered backing.

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Chinese New Year

Michaelian Home wishes everyone a Happy Chinese New Year!! Today, February 8th, 2016 marks the start of the new lunar year, the year of the Monkey! Roughly speaking, if you were born in 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016 then you were born under the chinese zodiac sign of the monkey. I say roughly because the chinese calendar does not coincide perfectly with the Gregorian calendar so if you were born in January or early February, you would want to check to see what dates the new lunar year started to be sure of your sign. You can check here to find out the exact dates. 

 Chinese New Year has been celebrated for centuries. It is an important festival celebrated at the turn of the traditional lunar-solar Chinese calendar. It is also known as the Spring Festival, the literal translation of the modern Chinese name. Celebrations traditionally run from the evening preceding the first day to the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first calendar month. That is 15 days of celebrations with specific rituals and traditions for each day! 15 days! Many Chinese businesses completely shut down for about 3 weeks to allow for celebrations. Since China is such an integral part of the global economy this has a ripple effect throughout the world. U.S. companies (our included!) have to prepare months in advance knowing that Chinese business grinds to a halt during this period of festivities.

Chinese New Year is such an important holiday in areas with large asian descent populations that even the New York City Public Schools and San Francisco schools have declared today a holiday and the schools are closed. The first day of celebrations (today!) are typically marked with firework celebrations and everyone trying to make as much noise as possible to ward off evil spirits,misfortune and to hail only good things for the coming year! Money is given in red paper envelopes, windows are decorated with red paper cut-outs with the words 'good fortune', 'wealth', 'happiness' and houses are thorougly cleaned to 'sweep away' bad fortune and make way for good luck.

According to the Chinese zodiac, those born under the sign of the monkey are said to be intelligent, optimistic, romantic, sociable, confident, agile, curious as well as restless and reckless. Lucky numbers for the year are 1,7 and 8 and lucky colors are white, gold and blue.

Now that you are armed with more information about this incredible global holiday, join in on the fun! From our home to yours, Michaelian Home wishes good fortune for the new lunar year to everyone! I don't know about you but I certainly feel inspired to celebrate for the next 15 days straight! Happy New Year all you Monkeys!
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Geometric Quiz!

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National Dog Day 2015!!

National Dog Day 2015!!

It's not over, Rover!! It is still National Dog Day!!

National Dog Day Top 5 Things to Do:

5) Love on your favorite dog!...
4) Let your favorite dog love on you!
3) Don't have a dog but have a big heart? Visit your nearest animal shelter to find the perfect dog for you! Our favorite local shelter is
2) Can't have a dog but still love them? Donate to your local shelter! Here is a link to a list of specific items that our local shelter currently needs. Or volunteer your time, that's free!!
1) Buy a Michaelian Home 'Rover' hand made pillow to rest your head upon when the dog days are over! These pillows are adorable and house-trained!  Click Here to get one!  Rover 

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Pantone Color of the Year

Every year Pantone announces a new color for the year. This year's choice was Marsala, an inspired color that Pantone described as follows: “Much like the fortified wine that gives Marsala its name, this tasteful hue embodies the satisfying richness of a fulfilling meal, while its grounding red-brown roots emanate a sophisticated, natural earthiness. This hearty, yet stylish tone is universally appealing and translates easily to fashion, beauty, industrial design, home furnishings and interiors,” Here at Michaelian Home we have used this color for decades upon decades. From our Porgy Fish pillow to our Flame rug, you can see this dark, rich, luscious color pop! Check them out at today!

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